Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hari bol!

Greetings! Thanks to the Air India pilot strike our journey took an extra 13 hours. We detoured in Copenhagen and Halsinki and arrived in India at the early but not yet bright hour of 4am. We stayed with an Indian friend's family for the first day as we began our recooperation. In many ways Delhi reminded me of various cities in Central America. Cars drive on the roads like a racetrack. Pungent smells float through the air. Poverty has no hiding place. The family was a bit reserved but wonderfully hospitable. The food is AMAZING of course. We spent most of the time sleeping, fighting off sleep, and fighting off the heat (a near impossibility).

The next day we left for Vrindavan, a very holy city in India as it was the place that Krishna (God) was raised. This is where we will stay for most of the next month, which is a pilgrimage/festival celebrating many of Krishna's pastimes. I think I'll have more time later to better describe what it's like and what we're doing. I'm here with two other friends from Louisville - we have a room to ourselves in an ashram.

We've got our Indian garb on. Saris are preeeetty damn comfortable, let me tell you. Try walking around the house in a sheet, and you'll know what I mean. I haven't seen anyone get hit with a rickshaw yet, but if it happens I won't be in the least surprised.

love and miss you all,

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