Wednesday, October 17, 2012


This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all, even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of all its furniture, still treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

Sometimes I feel like the Wind
"Don't I need roots?"
or do I run like Fire?
glide like Water..."
Then a flower Blossoms
"Oh, I've been Soil all along."

But Soil not even am I!!!!!!!!!

I've been asking many question / witnessing many things within myself / perceiving much outside of me and wondering "what is this a reflection of?"

What are my Ideas? Something is not serving me. I've seen I am afraid to both laugh and cry. Now I am Strong enough to Fly.

"Love encompasses all things," I write. Yet why am I not a "drunk laughing niussance?"* Some moments I forget that I am the Divine.

So I'm trying to remember my feet walk on Paradise with every step. My Heart fills with energy for the Beauty it takes in, the Wonder it has to express.


Some notes I took white listening to tracks from "The Scent of Light" being played on KKCR (Kaua'i Community Radio, a beautiful gift on one passing Sunday):

Do you know how beautiful you are?
Speaking of God = a PARADE, a Wonder of Sounds
Sing to God!!! = GRATITUDE

Only Love can lift the Heart up so high

I am Happy, even before I have a reason


-Pure Wisdom from Hafiz

I am a spark of light, thinking it is lost in the sea of grey.
Time with Mother Earth/Holy Spirit teaches me....

I wrote things in a notebook these passing days in Koke'e:

You want to start at the Beginning, but the beginning is everywhere; the beginning is in everything.

The Rainbows appear: Smiles from the Earth. Smile so Bright and Radiating it stirs Deep Joy and Celebration.
Butterflies come by to say "how lovely you have come to play. The wind is gentle here and the air is fragrant." Love permeates each scent, each Stone.

Relationships that Lift You Up:
mirror back Gratutude for your Unique Beauty, Energy, Perspective, Expression, Movements, Vibrations /
See you as Divine Incarnation

The more you open and let-go, the more Magic you will receive.

The Universe will Deliver/Create a gift more magnificent than anything your mind can conceive.

Surrender it all to Source

Darkness/Density is that which has not been touched by the Light, that which has not been awoken through movement/vibration


feet fusing into the holy lava flow of Divine Perfection in this, the one and only, NOW


Ocean Rocks
Magic Land

*Blame keeps the sad game going.
It keeps stealing all your wealth.
Giving it to an imbecile with no financial skills.
Dear one, Wise Up.
When the violin can forgive the past It starts singing.
When the violin can stop worrying about the future
You will become such a drunk laughing nuisance
That God will then lean down and start combing you into His hair.
When the violin can forgive every wound caused by others
The heart starts singing.


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