This is how I feel right now. There's so much to tell you!!! But I have to go buy some fruits and vegetables to take on our trip to Nepal tomorrow. "Nepal?! Cool! You're going to Nepal!" you're probably thinking. NOT COOL! With a tourist visa, one must leave the country every 6 months. This is poop. Also, a few months ago they made a policy that all tourists have to stay out of the country for 2 months. Even more poop! Apparently, this has since been changed again, but news travels slowly in India. So for the 12 hour bus ride or so we'll be praying that they let us immediately back in so that we can return to the lovely (and extremely noisy and polluted) Mathura. Pleading and bribing will most likely be involved.
I don't even know the last time I wrote anything in here. Unlimited apologies for this.
Dec 17-Feb 16 I have been in Mathura having a blasty blast (as a close associate of mine would describe, I believe this chochacho knows who she is).
Feb 17-March 6 I was in Navadwip, West Bengal - where the greenish brown glow of coconuts call to the passerbys, monkeys as large as the biggest 7th grader in the class run through the streets (terrifying, though I was told they are very sweet natured), and mercy permeates the air like the mist of an orange when you squeeze it for some juice and then it sprays you in the eye and you're like "god damn," but then you know the juice is gonna be so good.
March 7-the present I have been back in Mathura/Govardhana continuing to have a blasty blast.
Along with having a blasty blast I also have painfully sorrowful and tremendously challenging moments. These I will have to explain in more detail later.
In a nutshell, the joys and challenges come from trying to develop a spiritual consciousness. As most endeavors in life, this one has natural challenges. These are most often exacerbated by me, however, due to my daggone propensity to seek perfection immediately in myself and to try to figure out everything in my brain. Do not do these things! They bring misery. Again and again and again I am forced to remind myself to have patience and to listen and nuture the goodness in my heart. Growth, however painful and confusing it may be, should be gradual and natural. I suppose I should also have a positive attitude, because I almost just wrote that I will surely forget all of this within the next hour, followed by more suffering. hahaha, oooooooh.
okay...maybe, maybe...maybe, just maybe I'll jot some notes while I'm on the bus to Nepal that I will share with you all when I get back to Mathura. and maybe pictures too?
Like always, I'm sending lots of love and hoping that everyone is well and that rainbow, glitter happiness is floating all around you.
OMG Kayleigh!!!! I MISS you child!
ReplyDeleteyou are somewhere in physical space. where is that? also, though it is all transitory, how are you in this moment?