Hari bol! I'm not good at computers.
This is a section of Loi Bazaar. I went here pretty much every day while we stayed in Vrindavan. It was a very short walk from the Temple we stayed in. The first few days I would have easily gotten lost in its labarynthian form, but by the end I navigated it like, well, someone who has walked through it about 10 times.... I bought clothes, soap, fruit, stainless steel dishware, a radio....pretty much anything a girl needs in India.

This is a picture of a monkey playing on the power lines. This monkey obviously did not see any PSA's about playing near power lines. Jessica and Natalie can be seen walking towards Loi Bazaar.

Little cow hangin' out in the market. That pretty much covers all the photos I took in Vrindavan. I forgot to take a picture of Shit Alley, which was the pathway from the Ashram we stayed in to the main Temple. It was always full of many varieties of poop, including that of small children. Maybe when we go back we will play a game I've titled Species Feces in which you attempt to guess which pile of poop belongs to which animal. Advanced players can also guess ages.
YOU KNOW I'D BE GREAT AT THAT GAME!!!!!!!!! BRING IT On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!